An hour at the Hair Dresser
No matter how early you wake up or no matter how early you reach the salon, there will always be a queue of at least 10 people waiting ahead of you. But sitting there, waiting for your turn gives enough time to ponder on things which you never get time to think upon. Things that you may have knowingly or unknowingly done or things which you may want to do or achieve in the near future.
Why does life have to be so complicated? Why is it a mystic journey with path full of wicked twists and unexpected u-turns? Why does this puny brain is left to think of so much; Career, Money, Parents, Relatives, Job? And midst all this humdrum, where does a person find time for thinking about himself? Thinking about own's happiness, sorrows, thoughts, dreams, hopes, likes, dislikes.
To think about it, waiting for an hour at the Salon does not seem to be that bad after all. At least you can dedicate that one hour for yourself. No one to bother you, no one to bug you and no one to hinder you with annoyances, vexes or unwanted irascibility. But to figure out the mystery behind a happy and a contented life, I think i'll need many such hours at my local hair dresser.
My turn's here...adios !!
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