Pesticides in Colas.

Its pathetic to the see the Indian government debating wether to ban Cola manufacturing units for the high pesticide residues present in them as proved by the CSE. Its like the Indian government has run out of all other issues and this is the only thing left to do.

If pesticide content is the only reason for considering this ban, then the government must first ban TEA. Tea contains 1,87,300 times the water contained in the colas. Hypothetically, even if the Cola companies increase thier pesticide content 30 times the present amount, I can still drink 62oo bottles of Cola and have less pesticide content in my body than I would have by drinking a single Cup of TEA. Even apple contains 1,54,120 times the pesticide content, Milk contains 7140 times the pesticide content. So all this brouhaha created on the pesticide content in the Colas is nothing but Hogwash!! They can be called one of the safest drinks available, certainly not NUTRITOUS, but safest and pure for sure!

The recent ban Colas implemented by Kerela government is nothing but another of its innumerable tactics of garnering cheap votes. How can you ban Colas while sale of Cigarettes and Liquor is permitted? Ain't Right of Selecting what to Drink allowed in Democracy? Who is the government to decide what should we drink? People have to understand this and not fall for it...or else they are sure to be taken for a ride....!!

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